General Meeting of Shareholders of FairPlay Properties REIT.

At the General Meeting of Shareholders of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, held on 06.06.2006, the following decisions have been taken:– Approval of the report of the management bodies about the activities of the company in 2005– Approval of the annual financial statement of the company for 2005– Approval of the report of … още

Increase in the capital of FairPlay Properties REIT.

With reference to publications in the State Gazette, issue 44/30.05.2006, and in Dnevnik newspaper, issue 103/30.05.2006, for increase in the capital of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, please be informed of the following:– Number of shares before the capital increase: 650,000 shares– Number of shares, offered for subscription: 24,700,000 shares– Nominal value: BGN … още

Notification for alteration in the share holdings.

FairPlay International AD-Sofia has acquired shares of the capital of:– FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia /BSE code – FPP/– Number of shares transacted: 150,000– Percentage of the capital transacted: 23.08%– Direct shareholding after transaction: 71.66%– Shareholding via related persons: 14.62%– Total shareholding after transaction: 86.28%– Date of transfer with the Central Depository: 25.05.2006 

Replacement of the investment intermediary authorised to administer the upcoming capital increase/changes in the text of the message about the increase of the capital.

With reference to a decision of the Board of Directors of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FFP, dated 23.05.2006, for replacement of the investment intermediary authorised to administer the upcoming capital increase, please find below the corrected announcement of the public offering:With reference to a decision of the Board of Directors dated 10.05.2006 for … още

Date of firstquotation of new issue.

With reference to a decision of the Board of Directors of the BSE-Sofia as of record No 3/20.02.2006, please be informed of the first quotation date of the following issue:– Issuer: FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia– ISIN code of the issue: BG1100042057– BSE code: FPP– Market: Unofficial Market of Equities– First quotation date: 22.05.2006 /Monday/

General shareholders meeting.

FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, has appointed a General Meeting of Shareholders on 06.06.2006 at 10:00 a.m. in Sofia, 51b Cherni vrah Blvd., under the following agenda:– Report of the management bodies about the activities of the company in 2005– Adoption of the annual financial statement of the company for 2005– Report of … още

Financial Statements.

On 27.04.2006, FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, has submitted to the BSE-Sofia its quarterly report as of 31.03.2006.

General shareholders meeting.

FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, has appointed a General Meeting of Shareholders on 06.06.2006 at 10:00 a.m. in Sofia, 51B Cherni vrah Blvd., under the following agenda:– Report of the management bodies about the activities of the company in 2005– Approval of the annual financial statement of the company for 2005– Report of … още