General shareholders meeting.

FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, has appointed a General Meeting of Shareholders on 06.06.2006 at 10:00 a.m. in Sofia, 51B Cherni vrah Blvd., under the following agenda:
– Report of the management bodies about the activities of the company in 2005
– Approval of the annual financial statement of the company for 2005
– Report of the certified public accountant about his audit for 2005
– Report of the Investor Relations Director
– Election of a certified public accountant
– Exemption from liability of the members of the management bodies for their activity in 2005
– Amendments to the Statute of the company
– Change of the registered address and main office of the company to Sofia, 51B Cherni vrah Blvd.
– Profit allocation decision
– Approval of a decision for making deals pursuant to Art. 114 of the POSA and specifying the way of financing the deals:
Raising funds through borrowing up to Euro 20 million
Raising funds through increase in the capital of the company
Raising funds through issuance of bonds
– In case of an inquorate meeting, the GMS will be held on 21.06.2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the same place under the same agenda
– The announcement of the GMS is to be published in the State Gazette
The final date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE-Sofia, in result of which the holder will be entitled to exercise his voting right at the GMS, will be 19.05.2006.