Increase in the capital of FairPlay Properties REIT.

With reference to publications in the State Gazette, issue 44/30.05.2006, and in Dnevnik newspaper, issue 103/30.05.2006, for increase in the capital of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FPP, please be informed of the following:
– Number of shares before the capital increase: 650,000 shares
– Number of shares, offered for subscription: 24,700,000 shares
– Nominal value: BGN 1.00 per share
– Issuing value: BGN 1.00 per share
– BSE code of the rights issued: R3FPP
– Number of the rights issued: 650,000
– Ratio between the rights issued and new shares (right/shares): 1/38
– The capital shall be increased if at least 10,000,000 new shares have been subscribed to and paid.
– Everyone may subscribe to at least 38 new shares and to utmost such number of shares equal to the number of the owned and/or acquired rights multiplied by 38.
– Investment intermediary authorised to administer the capital increase: Somony 2001
– Bank, with which the accumulation account to be opened: CB United Bulgarian Bank AD-Sofia
– Initial and final date for transferring the rights: 08.06.2006/23.06.2006
– Initial date for subscription to shares: 08.06.2006
– Final date for subscription to shares of the increase: 17.07.2006
– Initial date for trading with rights on the Exchange: 08.06.2006
– Final date for trading with rights on the Exchange: 21.06.2006
– Date of the Auction pursuant to Art. 112b (7) of the POSA: 30.06.2006
– The right to participate in the capital increase shall be entitled to all shareholders, who acquired shares within 7 days upon the publication in the State Gazette at the latest, i.e. by 06.06.2006.
– The final date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the holder will have the right to participate in the capital increase, will be 02.06.2006.