Decision of the Board of Directors of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia, BSE code – FРP, dated 20.07.2006 for increase in the capital of the company, as follows:
– Number of shares before the capital increase: 25,350,000
– Number of shares, offered for subscription: 25,350,000
– Nominal value: BGN 1.00
– Issuing value: BGN 1.00
– Low limit of the amount for the subscription to be successful: 10,000,000 new shares
– BSE code of the rights issued: R4FРP
– Number of the rights issued: 25,350,000
– Ratio between rights issued and the new shares (right/shares): 1/1
– Everyone may subscribe to at least one new share and to utmost such number of shares equal to the number of the owned and/or acquired rights multiplied by one
– Investment intermediary authorised to administer the capital increase: Somoni 2001
– Bank, with which the accumulation account to be opened: CB United Bulgarian Bank AD-Sofia
– The right to participate in the capital increase will be entitled to all shareholders, who acquired shares of the company within 7 days upon the promulgation of the announcement in the State Gazette and in one national daily at the latest.
– Initial date for subscription to shares will be the second working day following the expiry of 7 days as from the subscription announcement in both the State Gazette and one national daily, but not earlier than the expiry of the term as of Art. 112b (2) of the POSA
– The specific dates for trade in rights, subscription to shares and the auction pursuant to Art. 126b (7) of the POSA will be additionally announced after publication of the offering in the State Gazette and in a national daily.