Notification for a Capital Increase with rights of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia

FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia (6F3)
With  reference  to  the  decision  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia (6F3) dated 02 December 2015 for  an  increase  in  the  capital  of  the  Company  and  to  the respective  publications  in  the  dailies  Capital  Daily and Standard of 17 February 2016, as well as to the announcement in  the  Company’s  file  with  the  Commercial  Register  of  22 February  2016  and  via  the  websites  of  the  Issuer  on  22 February  2016  and  of  the  authorised  investment  intermediary Focal Point Investments AD on 16 February 2016, BSE-Sofia hereby notifies of the following:
– Number of shares prior to the increase: 27,912,685
– Number of rights issued: 27,912,685
– Number of shares offered for subscription: 5,582,537
–  Ratio between the rights issued and new shares: 5 rights /  1
new share
– Everyone may subscribe at least to 1 new share and at most to
such  number  of  shares  equal  to  the  number  of  the  acquired
and/or held rights divided by 5
–  The capital will be increased provided at least 1,700,000 new
shares are subscribed to and paid in.
–  BSE code assigned to the issue of rights: To be additionally
– ISIN of the rights issued: BG4000002163
– Nominal value: BGN 1.00
– Issuing value: BGN 1.00
– Starting date of trading in rights on the Exchange: To be additionally announced
– Final date of trading in rights on the Exchange: 11 March 2016
– Starting date of transferring the rights: 01 March 2016
– Final date of transferring the rights: 11 March 2016
– Auction date as per Art. 112b (7) of the POSA: 22 March 2016
– Starting date of subscribing to shares: 01 March 2016
– Final date of subscribing to shares of the increase: 05 April 2016
– Investment intermediary authorised to administer the capital increase: Focal Point Investments AD
– Bank with which a fundraising account will be opened: CB United Bulgarian Bank AD
–  The right to participate in the capital increase will be entitled to all persons who have acquired shares
not  later  than  7  (seven)  days  following  the  date  of  promulgation  of  the  public  offering  notice  in
pursuance of Art. 92a (1) of the POSA i.e. as at 29 February 2016 (Record Date).
– The final date for transacting shares of this Company on the floor of the Exchange, as a result of which
the  holder  will  be  entitled  to  take  part  in  the  capital  increase,  was  25  February  2016  (Ex  Date:  26
February 2016).